What make us unique

Biapy Help Desk publish howtos designed to ease system administration of a web server. This site is a very limited rewriting of the outdated howto.biapy.com. It will replace it in the future.


Our howtos are automated. Once the settings are provided, everything else is automatic and should provide you quickly with a working system.

Designed for copy/pasting

Our howtos are designed to be used by copy/pasting lines of shell code in your terminal. No manual file edition needed.

Time saving

Our howtos and associated tools are saving your time. We provide free and open source scripts to manage quickly Apache 2, NGINX, MySQL/MariaDB configuration.

Latest Howtos

Install MariaDB (MySQL) on Debian

MariaDB is a lightweight (compared to Oracle or PostgreSQL) database management system. It is designed to manage simple databases with a big number of records. MariaDB is mainly used to store websites Content Management Systems data. MariaDB is a free software fork of MySQL.