The filesystem where MariaDB (MySQL) datadir is stored (“/var/lib/mysql” by default) should be mounted with theses options:
- noatime : disable the update of files access time. Limit I/O load generated by MySQL disk accesses.
- nodiratime : disable the update of folders access time.
- barrier=1 : Reduce risks of data loss in case of crash.
- data=ordered : Write data to the disk before updating the filesystem log. Reduce risks of data loss in case of crash.
This howto is tested on:
- Debian 10.0 Buster
This howto require:
- a MySQL or MariaDB server, as described by Install MariaDB (MySQL) on Debian.
Environment setup
Detect if sudo is available (“command” is used if not):
command type -f 'sudo' &>'/dev/null' && cmdProxy='sudo'
Detect MySQL datadir path:
datadirPath="$(${cmdProxy} mysqld --verbose --help 2>'/dev/null' \
| command grep '^datadir' \
| command sed 's/^datadir[\t ]*//')"
Detect datadir device and mount point:
datadirMountDevice="$(${cmdProxy} df --output='target' "${datadirPath}" \
| command tail -n '+2')"
datadirMountPoint="$(${cmdProxy} df --output='target' "${datadirPath}" \
| command tail -n '+2')"
Get datadir mount point fstab options:
currentMountOptions="$(command grep -e "[\t ]${datadirMountPoint}[\t ]" '/etc/fstab' \
| command tr --squeeze-repeats "[:blank:]" ' ' \
| command cut --delimiter=' ' --fields=4)"
Split options in a array:
IFS=', ' command read -r -a editedOptions <<< "${currentMountOptions}"
Add recommended options to the list:
editedOptions+=( 'noatime' 'nodiratime' 'barrier=1' 'data=ordered' )
Make sure each option is only present once:
editedOptions=($(command printf "%s\n" "${editedOptions[@]}" \
| command sort -u))
Convert the option array to a comma separed string:
editedOptionsString="$(printf '%s,' "${editedOptions[@]}" | sed 's/,$//')"
Remount the mount point with the new options:
${cmdProxy} mount -o "remount,${editedOptionsString}" "${datadirMountPoint}"
Update fstab:
${cmdProxy} sed -i \
-e "s|^\([^ \t]*[ \t]*${datadirMountPoint}[ \t]*[^ \t]*[ \t]*\)${currentMountOptions}\([ \t].*\)|\1${editedOptionsString}\2|" \
The ‘noatime’ and ‘nodiratime’ options may cause problems for some software (mutt is frequently named, but has been fixed since). These options can be replaced by ‘relatime’ and ‘reldiratime’ if a problem crop up.
- Thanks to the authors of What is the best Linux filesystem for MariaDB (en).